
Live in the Moment

There are three distinct times in our lives. The past, present, and future.

Along with being nostalgic, it’s easy to get stuck in the past and dwell on things that you wish you could have done differently. That’s a major mental trap I actively work on overcoming many times a week.

Then there’s the future. Always working hard to try to achieve a better life. One that will be more fruitful. Working hard today to reap the benefits of tomorrow.

And lastly the present. The most difficult to appreciate as it’s always fleeting.

I’ve always told myself that in order to be happy in the future, I need to be happy today. Money and success won’t manifest long-term, sustainable euphoria. And while objects like houses, cars, and a large savings account bring security, comfort, and fun, they won’t bring the deepest level of self-fulfillment, harmony, and balance.

It’s meaningful relationships and purpose in my work that gets me out of bed every day. These two combine well together as I share my successes and failures with my family, friends, and team.

I often ask myself why I work as much as I do. I tell myself it’s because I enjoy it, because I’m passionate about it. Am I brainwashing myself? The fact that it motivates me to keep pushing forward is justification enough.

It’s hard to not live in the past or the future but it’s imperative to appreciate every single moment of the present because time is fleeting and will be gone before you know it.