“Landscapes are like people. The more unique they are, the greater the impression they’ll leave.”
What fascinates me most about traveling is to experience unique landscapes, from plains to deserts, rainforests to jungles, glaciers to mountains, coasts to cliffs. Seeing nature at its most natural leaves a sense of wonder at the sheer spectacle of how vast this planet is, and how much of it still remains sparsely populated by humans.

What’s also unique about landscapes is how they shape their inhabitants, affecting the perspectives and viewpoints of local culture, from Saharan nomads in the desert to Mongolian nomads in the steppes.

Island cultures are also fascinating, as they live at such a leisurely pace compared to the mainland, be it Zanzibar Island in comparison to Tanzania or Jeju Island to that of the Korean peninsula.

All I know is that the less people there are, the more chill and down-to-earth individuals become. So, if you ever need to decompress and are afforded the time and funds, I recommend tuning out, logging off, and heading to unpopulated landscapes.

When you’re back in the city, close your eyes, and feel that serenity once again whenever you wish to relive it.

There’s no one to impress in the desert, no brand awareness in the jungles, and no keeping up with the Jones’ in the rainforests.

Nature doesn’t judge. It lives.
2 replies on “Landscapes”
Dope pictures. I would frame the Zanzibar one. Is it for sale?
It was actually part of a dhow boating race I participated in.. I’ll be in talks with MMM to make an exclusive deal